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When first planning our trailer, all of our ideas were very simple with little imagination or editing involved. Our storyboards show how we planned to use two transitions: cut and cut to blank. However after some more research we realised how boring and unprofessional this looked, therefore we developed some ideas. In order to create meaning, especially when illustrating the time jump, we had to use more complex transitions. For this example, we used a glitch effect- this highlighted both a change in time and also fixed the fantasy and supernatural genre. Similarly, in Back to the Future, a fade to white is used to illustrate a change in time. We developed this idea in our trailer by using our glitch transition. This was used successfully, as the two shots corresponded in place, however there was a change in time. This transition would disturb the audience from the beginning of the trailer. Similarly, we used a slow motion effect when focusing on the necklace- this is a major symbol within the film and the change in speed shows this. Although we didn't plan to do this when planning our trailer, this development has improved the quality of it. Many trailers do use simple cuts throughout in order to create a fragmented text, therefore we did use lots of cut transitions too, but the other transitions gave it more fluidity.

Transitions Research


Furthermore, we developed our music for our trailer as when first planning we were unsure on what style would best fit it. We used Garageband to put together some loops; using a range of instruments and sound effects. We used the music as a way of building tension and suspense throughout our trailer. After receiving some audience feedback from our rough cut (before any music was put in), many people responded saying that music would help to make meaning clearer and therefore we focused on making it effective. Music is significant in trailers in order to create tone and genre. For example, the pace and volume of the music changes throughout the trailer to highlight a change in event or character. This helps the audience to establish a specific feeling, that the music is supposed to create. We developed our use of music by adding certain sound effects and instruments, which each symbolised different emotions. In Blade Runner, the music is discordant, therefore creating disturbance for the audience. 


One main development that we made was creating meaning through editing and dialogue. Our first plan of our trailer did not include any dialogue, therefore relying on just the music and shots to make the story line clear. We added in several shots, each including a few lines of speech- this allowed the audience to become more familiar with the characters and the narrative. Although not every trailer does include dialogue, many of them do, and from research we found that these ones are the most effective. For example in The Hunger Games trailer, dialogue is used to make the storyline clearer for the audience and to create a representation for the characters. As well as dialogue, we also developed our editing by adding in some 'research shots'. By doing this it helped to highlight the mermaids clearly, although the title of the film does make this clear. Adding some text throughout the trailer also helped to creating meaning, especially through the way it was presented- through fast paced cuts to portray a panicked tone. Fast paced cuts are commonly used in trailers to create a tone such as excitement or panic (Blade Runner). From earlier research, we were also able to develop the use of fast paced cuts in our trailer. 


The necklaces are one of our main symbols in our trailer as it signifies the supernatural. We developed this idea from props in other films. Mise en scene is just one feature of trailers that helps to create meaning. The slow motion and glow feature used when presenting the necklaces was developed throughout the creation. The necklaces symbolise the mermaids in our film, highlighting the fantasy genre and separating the mermaids from the humans. We developed our use of props in order to portray the post-modern fantasy hybrid, for example in Harry Potter where wands and broomsticks are used to illustrate magic and wizards. There are also effects used on these props, such as glowing, to create a realistic atmosphere for the audience, therefore we developed the use of props in this film to use in our trailer.  We found that props played a significant part in creating meaning within our trailer and therefore we had to develop our ideas on how to present them effectively. 

Shot Types

In order to create originality, we developed our use of shot types. This allowed our audience to see our trailer from different view points. We used a wide range of shots, from close ups to establishing shots- each having their own purpose within the trailer. Close ups usually illustrate emotion within a character, whereas establishing shots highlight setting and create an atmosphere. As our trailer is multi-perspective, we used different shot types to portray the characters experiences. We mainly used mid-shots and close ups on Earl, in order to focus on his stereotypical appearance of a 'mentor'. This idea was devloped throughout the production of our trailer, as we felt that this created meaning. 


Another feature that we developed in our trailer is the titles. Although we used the traditional elements of the titles, such as the film name and the ending screens, we developed the style and design of them. In order to make the main title 'The Mermaid's Myth' relevant to the film we added a blue water style background. We developed the font, background and movement of the title in order to make it professional and distinct. Also we added some text throughout the trailer to create meaning within our trailer: 'Keep Evil Out, Keep Death Away, Keep Enemies at Bay'. This quote is very relevant as the mermaids are evil and are usually found at 'bay'. We also used inspiration for our text from the Lady in the Water trailer- as this follows a similar story line and theme, we thought that this would be appropriate however there are many trailers do include text throughout to help create meaning. 

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